
The German Dunnett Site is a project dued to my special interest in Lady Dunnett's books
and was proceeded and procured by my effort to create a very special site in HTML.

Credits for tips, critics, supports and a lot of ideas go to:
the German Dunnett fans
Heike, Stephanie und Isabell
and also, even if they don't know:
all the participants at the Marzipan Mailing List.
(Thanks to List Mom, especially)

Thank you all for looking in here.

For the translation of the English Version: It could have not been done without the help of Carol Wendland. THANK YOU Carol! You changed my awful English into comprehensive words and phrases!

It would be best to see this site with a
screen sized 1024 x 798 Pixel,
but one size down, 800 x 600 will do it, too.

And for seeing all the nice little pictures, your browser should like graphics and frames. Netscape or IE 4.0 do it quite well.
And yes, it's not all exactly the W3C HTML-Standards - but who is doing all things standardized?
May be, in some old browsers you can't see some parts of the graphic based table backgrounds.

about Dorothy Dunnett from Martine Däuwel
for King Hereafter from Heike Meyer
for House of Niccolò from Martine Däuwel
for the Lymond-Chronicles from Martine Däuwel
for the Johnson Johnson mysteries from Isabell Marynik

Berlin, 1998

Questions? Critics? Ideas? I would like to hear from you.
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My second name is Awful English, yes it is...